I have chosen to look at some of my favourite album covers and see how I could apply them to my final product. I believe these covers are all individual and unique which is a necessity for the industry as it signifies the product.
- The Black Keys have a tendency of simple album covers.
- The EP cover for "Lonely Boy" is an example of this.
- This picture could have been taken by anybody, let alone a professional photographer.
- They have probably reduced the saturation to make it appear dusty and may have faded the contrast.
- This gives it a more "rustic" look.
- This contrasts to the the bold black font for the writing and the border really draws your eyes to the image.
- Here we can see the continuity of the album covers
- They have the same font used for the title
- It is a similar image as that of the EP
- Here, they probably also reduced the saturation and contrast to give it a similar effect.
- Again the bold black against the sepia/dusty tones of the background.
- For the Lumineers debut album they also use a border to draw attention to the image.
- This, however, is far bolder and contrasts well to the thinner border surrounding the image.
- The title for the Lumineers is in a formal font, this looks quite classic.
- This font could relate to the image centred, it is old fashioned and in sepia, making the album appear vintage.
- The Vaccines have chosen a similar style.
- They also have a thick border that draws the attention to the vibrant image in the centre
- This image is a very red/pink colour scheme, this matches the title and the border around the image.
- I may use a thick border ion my album cover because i think it looks professional and draws attention to the title and image.
- I really like this album cover, although it was originally released in the 1960's I like how simple this image is.
- The character is centred in the middle making him appear important
- I like that the writing is smaller here and is not as obvious like the other albums.
- Again this has many sepia tones, and a border.
- This is a previous arctic monkeys EP cover
- This is in black and white and looks very simplistic
- The logo of the band is very bold next to its white background
- So is the name of the track it is representing
- Again this is an image anybody could have taken but has been made to look realistic and gritty
- This could be to represent the bands sound.
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